Si planea mudarse a Colombia, debe solicitar una visa de migrante. El proceso puede parecer abrumador, pero con nuestra guía paso a paso, puede obtener su visa en poco tiempo. Este artículo cubrirá todo lo que necesita saber sobre la solicitud de una visa de migrante colombiana.
Comprensión de la visa de migrante para Colombia
El Visa de migrante para Colombia es un tipo de visa que permite a los extranjeros vivir y trabajar en el país durante un período prolongado. Esta visa es adecuada para personas que planean trabajar, estudiar, jubilarse o invertir en Colombia. Colombia es un país hermoso con una cultura rica, gente amable y una economía en auge. Es conocida por sus impresionantes paisajes, sus vibrantes ciudades y su deliciosa cocina.
Si está considerando solicitar una visa de migrante colombiana, es esencial que comprenda los diferentes tipos de visas disponibles y sus criterios de elegibilidad. Esto le ayudará a determinar qué visa se adapta mejor a sus necesidades.
Types of Colombian Migrant Visas
For foreigners who have incorporated a Colombian company or have acquired shares in the capital stock of a Colombian company in operation. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa.
Copy of your passport.
Last entry stamp (if, by the time of the application, the foreigner is still in the country).
Communication issued by the Department of International Exchange of the "Banco de la República" stating the registration of the foreign direct investment of one hundred (100) current legal monthly minimum wages in Colombia (116,000,000.00 COP) that equals approximately $25,000.00 USD as of 2023.
Company Share Composition certificate signed by a licensed accountant.
Bank statements of the last three months before the visa application.
International Health Insurance with coverage in Colombia.
The individual who creates or acquires a participation in the capital stock of a commercial company in operation this visa will have a work permit exclusively applicable in the company of which he is a partner, shareholder, or owner.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
The acquisition of shares in the public stock market does not qualify for this type of visa.
For the foreigner who intends to practice a regulated profession or, exceptionally, an unregulated activity, provided that the activity is of interest to the country. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa
A letter stating the occupation or activity that you intend to carry out in the country in the exercise of your profession.
Copy of the validation of the professional title and prove compliance with the additional requirements for the exercise of the profession in accordance with current laws, including the presentation of the professional card, license or provisional permit granted by the corresponding professional association or council.
Bank statements of the past 6 months show an average monthly income of 5 current legal monthly minimum wages (5,800,000.00 COP) that equals approximately $1,300.00 USD as of 2023.
International Health Insurance with coverage in Colombia.
For activities based on professional experience but not academic training, documents or certifications supporting suitability and experience must be provided.
This visa grants a work permit exclusively for the position, entity, profession or activity for which it was granted.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
To the foreigner who has made a Foreign Direct Investment or has acquired real estate in his own name and maintains said investment or acquisition during the validity of his visa. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa.
In the case of Foreign Direct Investment, provide a communication issued by the International Exchange Department of Banco de la República stating the registration of foreign direct investment in your name whose amount exceeds six hundred and fifty (650) legal monthly minimum wages ($754,000,000.00 COP) that equals approximately $160,000.00 USD as of 2023.
In the case of property investment, the interested party must provide the Certificate of Tradition and Freedom of the property whose domain ownership is exclusively in the name of the foreigner, for a minimum value equivalent to three hundred and fifty (350) current legal monthly minimum wages ($406,000,000.00) that equal approximately $87,000.00 USD as of 2023 and communication issued by the Department of International Exchange of the Bank of the Republic stating the registration of the investment for the purchase of the property in the name of the foreigner applying for the visa.
Bank statements of the previous 3 months
International Health Insurance with coverage in Colombia
When this visa is requested for the second and subsequent times, the foreigner must demonstrate that he maintained the investment or possession of the property during the entire validity of his previous visa.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
For foreigners who are married to a Colombian citizen and aspire to live effectively with their Colombian spouse in the country. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa
Copy of your passport
Last entry stamp (if, by the time of the application, the foreigner is in the country)
Apostilled Marriage certificate if the marriage was abroad and duly registered in Colombia or an Authentic Copy of the civil registry of marriage if the marriage was celebrated in Colombia
Application letter signed by the Colombian spouse, in which they request the visa for the foreign spouse
Special power of attorney to request this type of visa
Certificate of migratory movements of the foreigner and their Colombian spouse
This visa grants an open work permit and allows its holder to carry out any lawful activity in the national territory.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
For nationals of the States parties to the "Agreement on Residence for nationals of the States Parties to Mercosur," in applying the principle of reciprocity. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa
List of Mercosur Countries:
Associated States:
*Venezuela is suspended in all the rights and obligations inherent to its status as a State Party of MERCOSUR, in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of the Article 5 of the Protocol of Ushuaia.
**The Plurinational State of Bolivia is in the process of accession.
Passport with a minimum validity of six (6) months.
Residence document if you are in a country other than your nationality at the time of applying for the Visa.
Visa application letter explaining the activity that will be carried out in Colombia and your means of subsistence for your stay.
Duly Apostilled Certificate of criminal or police records issued by the authority of the country where you have stayed during the last three (3) years.
Recent Digital Photo, in color and with a white background.
This visa will be valid for 2 years and is granted only once, it also grants an open work permit and allows its holder to carry out any lawful activity in the national territory.
This visa grants an open work permit and allows its holder to carry out any lawful activity in the national territory.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
For foreigners who are parents or children of a Colombian citizen by adoption. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa
Copy of your passport
Last entry stamp (if, by the time of the application, the foreigner is in the country)
Authentic copy of the public deed, judicial order or conciliation act; or certificate of union when applicable. The date of formalization of the document that supports the de facto union/Civil union must be greater than one (1) year at the time of the visa application.
Application letter signed by the Colombian spouse, in which they request the visa for the foreign spouse.
Special power of attorney to request this type of visa.
Certificate of migratory movements of the foreigner and their Colombian spouse.
This visa grants an open work permit and allows its holder to carry out any lawful activity in the national territory.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
For foreigners who are parents of a citizen who is Colombian by birth. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa
Copy of the first page of your passport
Copy of the last entry stamp
Copy of the Colombian birth certificate of the child
Visa application letter
Certificate of migratory movements of the father and mother of the minor issued by the Colombia Migration Special Administrative Unit
Demonstrate economic solvency through averages in bank statements of the last 6 months and source of income
This visa grants a work permit exclusively for the position, entity, profession or activity for which it was granted.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
For foreigners who have a de facto union/Civil union with Colombian citizens. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa
Copy of your passport
Last entry stamp (if, by the time of the application, the foreigner is in the country)
Authentic copy of the public deed, judicial order or conciliation act; or certificate of union when applicable. The date of formalization of the document that supports the de facto union/Civil union must be greater than one (1) year at the time of the visa application.
Application letter signed by the Colombian spouse, in which they request the visa for the foreign spouse.
Special power of attorney to request this type of visa.
Certificate of migratory movements of the foreigner and their Colombian spouse.
This visa grants a work permit exclusively for the position, entity, profession or activity for which it was granted.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
For foreigners with Academic training like masters, doctoral or post-doctoral level in basic or applied sciences, engineering, mathematics, and the like of these, whose profiles meet the priorities required by the country in its public and private internationalization plans; or for professionals in areas pre-established by the Directorate of Immigration, Consular Affairs and Citizen Services, whose professions contribute to the adoption and/or adaptation of technologies that strengthen the country's competitiveness.
Copy of your passport
Last entry stamp (if by the time of the application, the foreigner is still in the country)
Graduate professional title apostilled or legalized and translated.
Motivation letter from the University, research center or company in Colombia sponsoring the foreigner
Contract with the academic institution, Government entity or company.
In the case of internationalization programs established by the national government, comply with the profile and requirements established therein.
International Health Insurance with coverage in Colombia
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
For nationals of the States parties to the "Agreement on Residence for nationals of the States Parties to Mercosur," in applying the principle of reciprocity. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa
Copy of the administrative act by which the refugee status in Colombia is recognized
Visa application letter signed by the foreigner
Be the holder of a valid passport or travel document
This visa grants an open work permit and allows its holder to carry out any lawful activity in the national territory.
For the foreigner with a constant monthly income derived from a pension granted by a State or a private pension fund. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa
Copy of your passport
Last entry stamp (if by the time of the application, the foreigner is still in the country)
Certification of the monthly payment of a lifetime pension in an amount not less than USD 800
Certificate of criminal or police record issued by the country's authority where you have stayed during the last three (3) years.
International Health Insurance with coverage in Colombia
Medical certificate issued by the Colombian authority or by a medical health center of the country of origin to prove the psychophysical fitness of the petitioner.
IMPORTANT: The certificate of criminal records and your pension will require an Apostille; Apostilles authenticate the seals and signatures of officials on public documents issued by a federal agency or certified by a foreign consul. An apostille certifies the document(s), so the document can be recognized in foreign countries.This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
For foreigners to whom the Colombian State has recognized the status of a stateless person. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa
Official document in which the Colombian Government recognizes the foreigner as a stateless person
Demonstrate that you are in the country regularly or attach a valid Permanence safe-conduct issued by the Colombia Migration Special Administrative Unit that certifies the regular immigration status.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
For foreigners who aspire to work in Colombia with a legal entity through an employment contract. This visa allows you to accumulate time for the Resident Visa
Contract summary - Format Contract signed by the legal representative of the employer and by the foreigner. In this document, the contracting party must record the details that determine the work activity in Colombia.
Letter of motivation from the employer Stating the suitability, functions to be carried out, the training that the foreigner has for this occupation, the reasons why a Colombian citizen is not hired for said activity, and the number of direct jobs that the company generates.
Certifications or bank statements from the employer For the last four (4) months showing an average monthly income of one hundred (100) current legal monthly minimum wages (116,000,000.00 COP)
In the case of an unregulated profession Provide a copy of the apostilled or legalized and translated professional title or labor and experience certifications that support their suitability
When it comes to a regulated profession The foreigner and the company or legal entity that hires must process the corresponding permit or license before the competent professional counsel.
This visa grants a work permit exclusively for the position, entity, profession or activity for which it was granted.
This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or child with a physical or mental disability.
Documentos requeridos para la visa de migrante:
Al solicitar una visa de migrante para Colombia, debe proporcionar varios documentos para respaldar su solicitud. Los documentos específicos para cada tipo de visa variarán; sin embargo, estos documentos son obligatorios en casi todas las solicitudes.
Una copia de su pasaporte.
Deberá proporcionar una copia clara y legible de su pasaporte.
Sello de última entrada
Una copia escaneada del último sello de última entrada de su pasaporte (si, al momento de la solicitud, se encuentra en Colombia)
Comprobante de seguro médico:
Debe tener un seguro médico que lo cubra durante su estancia en Colombia.
Pago de las tasas de visado:
Deberá pagar las tasas de visado antes de presentar su solicitud.
Fotografías digitales tamaño carné:
Las fotografías deben cumplir con los requisitos de fotografía de la visa colombiana. (Fondo blanco/3 cm de ancho x 4 cm de alto)
Documentación financiera, como extractos bancarios o cartas de empleo:
Debe proporcionar evidencia de su solvencia financiera para cubrir sus gastos de manutención en Colombia.
Para evitar demoras o rechazos, debe asegurarse de tener todos los documentos necesarios antes de presentar su solicitud.
Guía paso a paso para solicitar una visa de migrante para Colombia
Solicitar una visa de migrante puede resultar abrumador, pero este proceso gradual debería ayudar.
Paso 1: Proceso de solicitud en línea
El primer paso para solicitar una visa de migrante colombiano es completar el formulario de solicitud en línea. El formulario está disponible en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores sitio web. Es esencial completar el formulario con precisión para garantizar que el proceso de solicitud se complete a tiempo.
Paso 2: Pagar la tasa de visa
Deberá pagar la tasa de visa cuando presente su solicitud. La tarifa varía según el tipo de visa. Sin embargo, normalmente gastas alrededor de 326 USD en la solicitud de visa de migrante colombiano.
Es esencial comprobar la lista de tarifas antes de enviar su solicitud para asegurarse de que tiene fondos suficientes para cubrir la tarifa.
Paso 3: Responder a los seguimientos
Después de presentar su solicitud de visa, hay algunas cosas que puede hacer para garantizar un proceso fluido y sin estrés. Una de las cosas más importantes es llevar un registro del estado de su solicitud y responder a cualquier pregunta de seguimiento o solicitud de documentación que la Cancilleriá pueda tener. Estar atento lo ayudará a mantenerse informado y preparado para cualquier actualización o cambio que pueda ocurrir.
Paso 4: Seguimiento del estado de su solicitud
El seguimiento del estado de su solicitud de visa es fácil y se puede hacer en línea. Simplemente visite el sitio web del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores e introduzca su número de solicitud y otros detalles relevantes.
La comunicación del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores se enviará por correo electrónico, incluidas las solicitudes de información adicional.
Sin embargo, entre las comunicaciones, su sitio web proporcionará actualizaciones sobre el estado de su solicitud.
Es importante tener en cuenta que los tiempos de procesamiento pueden variar según el consulado o la embajada donde haya presentado su solicitud. Sin embargo, según su caso, el sitio web proporcionará un tiempo de procesamiento estimado.
"We have seen that the average time it takes to receive a decision from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is 2-3 weeks. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can take up to 30 calendar days to respond to your application."
Daniela Cordoba
Lead Attorney, Colombian Visa Services
Paso 5: Recibir su visa
Una vez que se apruebe su solicitud de visa, recibirá su visa electrónica en unos días, según el tiempo de procesamiento en el consulado o la embajada. Es importante que verifique todos los detalles de su visa para asegurarse de que sean correctos y estén actualizados. Esto incluye su nombre, número de pasaporte y tipo de visa.
Es importante tener en cuenta que después de 2020, Colombia ya no ofrece un sello de visa físico. Su visa vendrá en forma de correo electrónico, y este documento electrónico es lo que mostrará a la oficina de inmigración cuando ingrese al país.
Si pierde su visa electrónica o la borra accidentalmente, puede solicitar una nueva poniéndose en contacto con el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
Paso 6: Ingresar a Colombia con su visa de migrante
Cuando llegue a Colombia, debe presentar su pasaporte y visa electrónica a los funcionarios de inmigración. Los funcionarios pueden hacerle algunas preguntas sobre el propósito de su visita y los planes de alojamiento. Es importante responder a estas preguntas con sinceridad y precisión.
Una vez que haya aprobado la inmigración, puede explorar todo lo que Colombia tiene para ofrecer. Desde las vibrantes ciudades hasta los impresionantes paisajes naturales, Colombia es un país que tiene algo para todos.
Renovación o cambio de su visa de migrante
Si necesita extender su visa, le recomendamos que comience el proceso de 2 a 3 meses antes de que caduque su visa.
El proceso de renovación es similar al proceso de solicitud inicial, y tendrás que proporcionar documentos de respaldo para demostrar que aún cumples con los criterios de elegibilidad.
"It's important to remember that the visa renewal process is not guaranteed. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the right to ask for additional documentation and may reject the renewal if they feel criteria is not met,"
Daniela Cordoba
Lead Attorney, Colombian Visa Services
Cambiar su tipo de visa
Si necesita cambiar su tipo de visa, envíe un nuevo formulario de solicitud y proporcione los documentos de respaldo requeridos. Cambiar el tipo de visa equivale a solicitar una visa por primera vez.
Lo mejor es consultar un abogado de inmigración para determinar la mejor categoría de visa para su situación.
En conclusión, solicitar una visa de migrante colombiano puede parecer abrumador, pero es sencillo cuando sabes qué esperar. Seguir esta guía y proporcionar toda la documentación requerida puede aumentar sus posibilidades de obtener una solicitud exitosa.
Daniela Cordoba is a lawyer specializing in immigration and commercial law. Daniela Cordoba has helped individuals and businesses live and operate in Colombia for over a decade. She also has training in compliance with the respective accreditations to serve as Compliance Officer.
Over 1,400 Visas Accepted
For the past decade we have been helping travelers secure visas to Colombia.
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We work with you 1:1 to ensure you not only have the best chance of getting approval, but that you have every one of your questions answers.
Fluent in English and Spanish
You don't have to worry about having to translate emails or communication, our team is fluent in English and can help you with whatever you need.
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