How to Obtain Colombian Citizenship in 2023

Aprenda todo lo que necesita sobre la ciudadanía colombiana, los plazos y los requisitos. Escrito por un abogado de inmigración colombiano.

Ciudadanía en Colombia
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Have you ever dreamt of easily exploring South America, experiencing a vibrant culture, and enjoying a high quality of life in a growing economy? Acquiring Colombian citizenship could be your golden ticket to achieving this dream, and this comprehensive guide will provide everything you need to know to make it a reality. Let us embark on a journey through the various pathways to Colombian citizenship, its benefits, and the requirements to make it happen.

Short Summary

  • Colombian citizenship offers numerous advantages, including visa-free travel and access to a high quality of life.
  • The only way to obtain Citizenship without first having a visa is to have a Colombian parent or be a child born in Colombia. Otherwise, you will need to obtain a visa first.
  • This guide outlines the various pathways to Colombian citizenship, such as descent, marriage & investment.
  • Professional agencies can assist with the process, including eligibility assessment & document preparation.

Benefits of Colombian Citizenship

Colombian citizenship offers numerous advantages, making it an attractive option for those seeking to establish roots in Latin America. Colombian citizens enjoy visa-free access to over 130 countries, including many in the region. This allows for hassle-free travel and exploration across the globe. Additionally, Colombian citizenship opens up work eligibility in Mercosur countries, expanding your professional opportunities. For more information on work eligibility, you can contact the Colombian embassy.

A high quality of life awaits you in Colombia thanks to its burgeoning economy and the rights and protections granted under the Colombian constitution. Colombia’s economy is widely regarded as one of the most liberal and open in the region, with significant growth in recent years, making it an attractive option for those looking to adopt Colombian nationality.

Timeline for Colombian Citizenship:

The timeline to obtain Colombian Citizenship typically is reliant on your specific situation. If you have a Colombian parent, the path to citizenship is relatively straightforward and quick. If you are foreigner and want to obtain Citizenship by accumulated time, it the timeline can take years.

Citizenship by Being the Child of A Colombian National:

Once the appropriate documents and an appointment are obtained, this process can take days to just a few weeks.

Citizenship by Accumulated Time:

If you are applying for citizenship after having a resident visa for a number of years, applying for citizenship can take months to years. After applying for the visa,  we have seen the Colombian government take anywhere from 4-6 months to up to 3 years to give you an answer on your application.

Pathways to Colombian Citizenship

There are various pathways to Colombian citizenship, each with its own requirements and processes. In this guide, we will explore the options of obtaining citizenship by:

  • Descent
  • Marriage
  • Being a parent of a Colombian
  • Investment
  • Pension
  • Work

No matter your background or situation, there is an option tailored to suit your needs.

Let’s dive deeper into each of these pathways and uncover what it takes to become a proud Colombian citizen.


Colombian citizenship can be acquired through descent if either parent is a Colombian citizen. Colombia follows the jus soli policy, recognizing individuals as Colombian nationals by birth if they are born on Colombian soil. This means that if you have a Colombian parent or were born in Colombia, you have a direct pathway to Colombian citizenship.

For foreign nationals with a Colombian parent, obtaining a Colombian birth certificate is the key to acquiring Colombian citizenship. This process not only simplifies your journey to citizenship, but also allows you to reap the benefits of being a Colombian national, from visa-free travel to work opportunities and more.

Timeline: If you have all of your documents and an appointment, application, and approval can take a matter of days.

"We recommend applicants who would like to obtain citizenship to visit Colombia as it makes the process much faster.  Typically consultants in other countries have a wait time for appointments that are months or even more than a year. Traveling to Colombia can decrease your wait time to just days."

Daniela Cordoba

Lead Attorney, Colombian Visa Services


Another pathway to Colombian citizenship is through marriage. You will first need to obtain a Migrant (Type M) Marriage visa. You must hold this visa for a minimum of 3 years before applying for a resident visa (Type R) visa.

If you are married to a Colombian citizen and hold an R-type resident visa for 2 years, you can become eligible to apply for Colombian citizenship. This pathway offers the privilege of unrestricted movement within South America and the reassurance of secure travel between Colombia and your native citizenship country.

By maintaining your R-type visa for years while being married to a Colombian citizen, you unlock the pathway to Colombian citizenship, opening the door to a new world of opportunities and experiences.

Timeline: You first need to hold a Migrant visa for 3 years and then a resident visa for 2 years. After 5 years, you can apply for citizenship. After applying, it can take 3 months to 3 years to receive a response.

Parent of a Colombian

If you are a parent of a Colombian citizen, you can acquire citizenship after just two years of residency. This accelerated process offers a faster route to citizenship compared to the standard five-year requirement for being married to a Colombian.

To obtain Colombian citizenship as a parent of a Colombian, you must first acquire a Colombian birth certificate for your child, even if they were born outside of Colombia. By taking advantage of this pathway, you can enjoy the benefits of Colombian citizenship, such as visa-free travel and work opportunities, while also providing a better future for your Colombian-born children.

Timeline: You first need to hold a Migrant visa for 2 years and then a resident visa for 2 years. After 4 years, you can apply for citizenship. After applying, it can take 3 months to 3 years to receive a response.


A pathway to citizenship is also available for those looking to make a financial investment in Colombia. By investing in real estate (300 minimum wage 406.000.000 Colombian Pesos as of 2023) or into a Colombian Business (100 minimum wage or 116.000.000 Colombian Pesos as of 2023), you may qualify for Colombian citizenship after five years of residency. This investment not only grants you access to Colombian citizenship benefits but also allows you to contribute to the country’s economic growth.

To apply for resident visa, you will first need to apply for an Investment Visa (Type M) Migrant visa. After holding and renewing the migrant visa for five years, you can apply for a resident visa.

By choosing the investment pathway, you are making a long-term commitment to both your financial security and your future in Colombia.

Timeline: You will need to hold a Migrant visa for 5 years, then a resident visa for 5 years, and then wait 3 months to 3 years for your application to be approved.

"It is important to note that you must continuously be under one visa to qualify for citizenship. For example, if you have an investment visa for several years and then have a Colombian child, switching your visa to a Parent of a Colombian would restart your timelines to 4 years. In some situations, it is beneficial to change the type of visa, while in others, it would increase your timeline."

Daniela Cordoba

Lead Attorney, Colombian Visa Services


Retirees can also find a pathway to Colombian citizenship through their pension. By receiving a pension with a monthly income of at least three times the Colombian minimum wage, you become eligible to apply for a visa. This visa, commonly referred to as the pensionado visa, can lead to Colombian citizenship after five years of residency.

In order to apply for a resident visa, you will first need to apply for a Migrant Visa and hold this for 5 years.

To obtain this visa, you must provide proof of pension or a minimum monthly income that is three times the minimum legal monthly wage in Colombia. By choosing the pension pathway, you can secure your future in a country with an affordable cost of living, a favorable tax system, and a high quality of life.

Timeline: You will need to hold a Migrant visa for 5 years, then a resident visa for 5 years, and then wait 3 months to 3 years for your application to be approved.

Work Visa:

A work visa is a great option for those who find a job in Colombia and would like to eventually become a citizen. However, there are limitations to this process as if you lose your job at any time, your timeline will restart. You are eligible to apply for citizenship after holding a Resident Visa for 5 years.

To obtain a resident visa, you'll first need to hold a Colombian Migrant (Type M) Work Visa for 5 years.

Timeline:  You will need to hold a Migrant visa for 5 years, then a resident visa for 5 years, and then wait 3 months to 3 years for your application to be approved.

Application Process and Requirements

The application process for Colombian citizenship involves several steps, including meeting residency requirements, submitting necessary documents, and passing a citizenship test on history, geography, and constitutional law. The residency requirement for the Type R visa in Colombia necessitates being present in the country for 2-5 years under a resident visa, and the visa will be terminated if the holder is absent for two consecutive years.

The citizenship test in Colombia:

  • Is conducted in Spanish
  • Encompasses questions related to Colombian history, geography, and constitutional law
  • Applicants 65 years of age and above are exempted from the usual set of requirements
  • Those who have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized Colombian university are also eligible

By meticulously preparing for the application process and ensuring that all requirements are met, you will be one step closer to acquire Colombian citizenship.

Colombian Passport

A Colombian passport is a valuable asset for international travel, granting visa-free access to more than 130 countries. To obtain a Colombian passport, you must attend a scheduled appointment at the offices of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bogotá, at a Colombian consulate, or at a designated government office in other cities of Colombia, with the necessary documents, including your previous Colombian visa if applicable.

The processing time for a Colombian passport varies depending on the location of the application. It can be expected to be ready for dispatch within 24 working hours if applied in Bogotá, 48 working hours if applied elsewhere in Colombia, or eight working days if applied abroad.

It is imperative to renew your Colombian passport before its expiration date to avoid any travel disruptions.

Living in Colombia: Taxes and Cost of Living

Colombia offers an affordable cost of living, with an estimated monthly living expense far less than that of the United States, UK, Canada, and other countries. Local food is readily available at economical prices, and transportation costs are reasonable. The minimum wage for the year 2023 is currently set at COP 1,160,000, providing a fair indication of the overall affordability of living in the country.

Dual Citizenship in Colombia

Colombia allows dual citizenship, providing flexibility and additional benefits for its citizens. This means that you can hold citizenship in both Colombia and your native country, without having to renounce either nationality. For those seeking to maintain connections to their home country while enjoying the benefits of Colombian citizenship, dual citizenship is an ideal solution.

To obtain dual citizenship in Colombia, you must first obtain a Colombian birth certificate or Registro Civil de Nacimiento, even if you were born outside of Colombia. Additionally, renouncing your current citizenship is not required, as Colombia permits dual citizenship.

By taking advantage of dual citizenship, you can enjoy the best of both worlds, with access to the benefits and opportunities offered by both countries.

Assistance with Colombian Citizenship

At Colombian Visa Services, we can assist with the Colombian citizenship process, from eligibility assessment to document preparation and application submission. We can provide support and guidance, ensuring that you navigate the process with ease and confidence.


Colombian citizenship offers a world of opportunities, from visa-free travel to a high quality of life in a thriving economy. With various pathways to citizenship, such as descent, marriage, investment, and pension, there is an option for everyone. By understanding the requirements, seeking expert assistance when needed, and diligently preparing for the application process, you can make your dream of becoming a Colombian citizen a reality. Remember, the world is your oyster, and Colombian citizenship is just the beginning of an exciting new adventure.

Frequently Asked Questions

¿Cómo puedo convertirme en ciudadano de Colombia?

Para convertirse en ciudadano de Colombia, debe haber residido continuamente con una visa de residente durante 5 años antes de solicitar la ciudadanía o dos años si está casado o en pareja permanente con un ciudadano colombiano o tiene hijos colombianos.

El proceso es aún más fácil si nació de padres colombianos, ya que puede obtener la ciudadanía en menos de unas pocas semanas.

Estos requisitos son relativamente sencillos, pero hay algunos otros factores a tener en cuenta. Por ejemplo, los solicitantes deben demostrar un conocimiento básico del idioma español y la cultura colombiana. También deben tener antecedentes penales limpios y poder demostrar su estabilidad financiera.

Además, los solicitantes deben presentar una variedad de solicitudes.

¿Pueden los estadounidenses obtener la ciudadanía colombiana?

Colombia permite la doble ciudadanía y los estadounidenses con padres colombianos pueden convertirse en ciudadanos colombianos obteniendo un certificado de nacimiento colombiano en un notario en Colombia o en un consulado colombiano en el extranjero.

Es posible convertirse en ciudadano colombiano después de 2 a 5 años con una visa de residente. Si es ciudadano estadounidense y uno de sus padres es ciudadano colombiano, puede obtener la ciudadanía en solo unas semanas.

¿Estados Unidos permite la doble ciudadanía con Colombia?

Sí, tanto Estados Unidos como Colombia permiten la doble ciudadanía. Los ciudadanos estadounidenses naturalizados no tienen que renunciar a su ciudadanía original.

Se requiere un pasaporte biométrico o legible por máquina emitido por Colombia para viajar entre los dos países.

¿Puedo obtener la ciudadanía colombiana por descendencia?

Sí, puedes obtener Ciudadanía colombiana por descendencia si al menos uno de sus padres es ciudadano o residente legal de Colombia.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la ciudadanía colombiana?

La ciudadanía colombiana brinda acceso sin visa a más de 130 países, elegibilidad para trabajar en los países del Mercosur y una alta calidad de vida en una economía en crecimiento, lo que ofrece beneficios sustanciales.

El acceso sin visado a más de 130 países permite a los ciudadanos viajar sin la molestia de solicitar un visado. La elegibilidad laboral en los países del Mercosur brinda a los ciudadanos la oportunidad de trabajar en una variedad de países. La alta calidad de vida en una economía en crecimiento ofrece a los ciudadanos una alta calidad de vida.

Daniela Cordoba
Founder and Lead Attorney

Daniela Cordoba is a lawyer specializing in immigration and commercial law. Daniela Cordoba has helped individuals and businesses live and operate in Colombia for over a decade. She also has training in compliance with the respective accreditations to serve as Compliance Officer.

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