How to Acquire Colombia Citizenship in 2023

Obtenga más información sobre cómo obtener la ciudadanía colombiana, los requisitos, los plazos y los consejos de un abogado de inmigración colombiano.

Ciudadanía colombiana

Have you ever dreamed of owning a second passport, enjoying visa-free travel to over 130 countries, and experiencing the rich culture and beautiful landscapes of South America? Acquiring Colombian citizenship could be the key to unlocking these benefits and more. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various pathways to Colombia citizenship, the application process, and the many advantages that come with being a Colombian citizen.

Short Summary

  • Colombian citizenship offers visa-free travel, dual citizenship and investment opportunities.
  • Pathways to Colombian citizenship include naturalization, investment, marriage or descent.
  • Specialized firms provide assistance with acquiring Colombian Citizenship.

Benefits of Colombian Citizenship

Obtaining Colombian citizenship comes with a plethora of benefits that make it an attractive option for individuals seeking a second passport. Some of these benefits include visa-free travel to over 130 countries, the ability to hold dual citizenship, and numerous investment opportunities in a growing economy.

These advantages make Colombia, a country in Latin America, an attractive option for those looking to expand their global mobility and diversify.

Visa-Free Travel

One of the most attractive aspects of Colombian citizenship is the privilege of visa-free travel. With a Colombian passport, you can enter over 130 countries without a visa or with a visa-on-arrival, including:

  • The Schengen states
  • The United Kingdom
  • Hong Kong
  • Singapore
  • Israel
  • Russia

This freedom opens up a world of travel possibilities, making it easier to explore new destinations and expand your horizons.

Dual Citizenship

Colombia is one of the countries that allows dual citizenship, meaning you can hold citizenship in both Colombia and your home country. This is especially advantageous for those who want to maintain close ties with their home country while enjoying the benefits of Colombian citizenship.

Additionally, Colombian children born in Colombia are granted citizenship by birth through the jus soli policy, ensuring that future generations can also enjoy the advantages of Colombian nationality.

Investment Opportunities

Colombia’s stable business environment and improved public image have made it an attractive destination for international investors. As a Colombian citizen, you can invest in a variety of sectors, including:

The Colombian government also offers investment incentives in certain priority sectors, such as:

  • coal
  • oil
  • coffee
  • call centers
  • shared services
  • product development centers
  • logistics
  • distribution

This makes it an ideal landscape for investors seeking new opportunities.

Pathways to Colombian Citizenship

There are several pathways to acquiring Colombian citizenship, including:

Each of these pathways has its own set of requirements and eligibility criteria, making it important to carefully consider which option best suits your personal situation and goals.


Colombian citizenship can be acquired through descent or ancestry. If one or both of your Colombian parents are Colombian nationals, you may be eligible to apply for citizenship by birth or adopt Colombian nationality. To do so, you’ll need to:

  1. Obtain a Colombian birth certificate from either a notary in Colombia or a Colombian consulate abroad.
  2. Provide an original copy of your birth certificate from your country of origin.
  3. Provide valid citizenship cards or Colombian passports of both parents.

This pathway allows individuals with Colombian heritage to maintain a connection to their roots and enjoy the benefits of Colombian citizenship.


Another pathway to Colombian citizenship is through investment. To qualify, you must invest at least $85,000 USD (You'll need to check current exchange rate. 350 times the Colombian minimum monthly salary, which is 406,000,000 pesos) in real estate or a Colombian company. In return for your contribution to the country’s development, you’ll be granted a migrant visa, which can eventually lead to a resident visa after five years. After another five years of having a resident visa, you can apply for dual citizenship.

This option particularly appeals to those seeking to make a financial investment in the country while also securing their future as a Colombian citizen.


If you’re married to a Colombian national, you may be eligible to acquire Colombian citizenship through your spouse. To qualify, you must have been married to your Colombian spouse and apply for a Migrant visa. You will hold this migrant visa for 3 continuous years and then hold an R-type resident visa for at least two years. After a total of 5 years, you will be eligible for Colombian Citizenship.

This pathway to citizenship offers a relatively straightforward and expedited route for those who have already formed strong ties to Colombia through marriage.

Application Process for Colombian Citizenship

Once you’ve determined which pathway to Colombian citizenship is right for you, it’s time to begin the application process. This involves gathering the required documents, submitting your application, and waiting for processing.

Each pathway to citizenship has its own unique set of requirements and eligibility criteria, so be sure to carefully review all necessary documentation before submitting your application.

Required Documents

Before you can apply for Colombian citizenship, you’ll need to gather the necessary documents to prove your eligibility. This typically includes proof of visa approval and an in-person visit to the Colombian Embassy or the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores office.

Be prepared to present any additional documentation required for your specific pathway to citizenship, such as proof of residency, marriage certificates, or investment documentation.

Application Submission

Submitting your application for Colombian citizenship can be done online or in person. It’s important to carefully review all of the information on your application and ensure that it’s accurate and complete before submitting it. Incomplete or inaccurate applications can result in delays or even rejection, so take the time to double-check your information and ensure that you’ve included all required documentation.

Make sure to review your application thoroughly before submitting it to avoid any delays or rejections.

Timeline and Processing

The timeline and processing time for your Colombian citizenship application can vary depending on the location of the application and your situation. In general, the process can take just a few weeks if you're the child of a Colombian and months to years if you're eligible by accumulated time.

Keep in mind that the processing time can be influenced by factors such as the volume of applications received, the complexity of your specific case, and any changes to immigration policies or regulations.

Taxes and Cost of Living in Colombia

When considering Colombian citizenship, it’s important to factor in the taxes and cost of living in the country. Colombia has a progressive personal income tax system, a corporate tax rate, and an affordable cost of living compared to many Western countries.

The personal income tax rate ranges from 0% to 33%, depending on the amount of income. Each individuals tax situation is unique, and it is important to consult an accountant.

Personal Income Tax

In Colombia, personal income tax rates range from 0% to 33% based on the individual’s income level. Taxpayers may be eligible for certain exemptions, such as those for pensioners, students, and individuals with disabilities.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with the tax system and ensure that you’re meeting all of your tax obligations as a Colombian citizen.

Corporate Tax

For corporations operating in Colombia, the current corporate tax rate is 32%. Corporations may be eligible for various deductions and tax incentives, such as those related to employee salaries, research and development, and certain investments.

Understanding the corporate tax landscape in Colombia can help you make informed decisions about your investments and business operations in the country.

Cost of Living

Compared to many Western countries, the cost of living in Colombia is relatively low. Some factors that contribute to the low cost of living include:

  • Local food is both cheap and abundant
  • Transportation is cost-effective
  • Depending on your lifestyle and location, it’s feasible to live on a monthly budget of around $1,500.

This affordable cost of living makes Colombia an appealing destination for those considering Colombian citizenship.

Colombian Passport: Requirements and Renewal

A Colombian passport is an essential document for international travel and a symbol of your Colombian citizenship. In this section, we’ll discuss the requirements for obtaining and renewing your Colombian passport to ensure smooth travel experiences.

To obtain a Colombian passport, you must be a Colombian citizen and provide proof of identity. You.

Passport Requirements

To obtain a Colombian passport, you must prove your citizenship, identity, and pay the necessary fees. Adults passports are valid for 10 years, while children’s passports have a validity period of 5 years.

Be sure to maintain a valid passport to avoid any potential travel disruptions.

Passport Renewal

The renewal process for your Colombian passport involves the following steps:

  1. Submitting an application and required documents before the passport’s expiration date.
  2. Keeping track of your passport’s expiration date.
  3. Beginning the renewal process in a timely manner to ensure that your international travel plans aren’t interrupted.

To make sure that your passport renewal process goes smoothly, it’s important to gather all necessary information.


In conclusion, Colombian citizenship offers a range of benefits, including visa-free travel, dual citizenship, and investment opportunities. With multiple pathways to citizenship, such as naturalization, investment, marriage, and descent, there’s a route to Colombian nationality for everyone. By understanding the requirements and processes involved in each pathway, you can make an informed decision about the best route for your unique situation. As you embark on your journey to Colombian citizenship, remember that professional assistance is available to guide you through the process and make your dream of becoming a Colombian citizen a reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

¿Es fácil obtener la ciudadanía colombiana?

La obtención de la ciudadanía colombiana es posible, aunque el proceso requiere más de cinco años de residencia permanente.

Las otras opciones disponibles son casarse con un ciudadano colombiano, demostrar conocimiento de la historia y la geografía colombianas, invertir en el país o tener ascendencia en el país.

¿Pueden los estadounidenses obtener la ciudadanía colombiana?

Sí, los estadounidenses pueden obtener la ciudadanía colombiana después de cinco años de residencia permanente en el país.

Esto es posible a través de un proceso conocido como naturalización, que implica cumplir con ciertos requisitos y presentar una solicitud.

¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en obtener la ciudadanía en Colombia?

Por lo general, se necesitan cinco años para convertirse en ciudadano colombiano por naturalización, después de vivir en el país durante ese período de tiempo.

Convertirse en ciudadano también puede ser posible a través del matrimonio, la ascendencia o la inversión en Colombia.

¿Necesito un pasaporte colombiano si soy ciudadano estadounidense?

Como ciudadano estadounidense, debe presentar un pasaporte estadounidense válido para entrar y salir de Colombia.

Si también tiene la ciudadanía colombiana, necesitará un pasaporte colombiano además de su pasaporte estadounidense para viajar.

¿Colombia permite la doble ciudadanía con nosotros?

Sí, Colombia permite la doble ciudadanía con los EE. UU., y las personas pueden mantener la ciudadanía en ambos países sin necesidad de renunciar a su nacionalidad anterior. Las personas con doble ciudadanía deben tener pasaportes de ambos países.

Las personas nacidas en Colombia se considerarán automáticamente ciudadanos colombianos.

Daniela Cordoba
Founder and Lead Attorney

Daniela Cordoba is a lawyer specializing in immigration and commercial law. Daniela Cordoba has helped individuals and businesses live and operate in Colombia for over a decade. She also has training in compliance with the respective accreditations to serve as Compliance Officer.

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