Colombian Citizenship By Descent

Learn the eligibility requirements for Colombian citizenship by descent, how to obtain citizenship and the advantages of obtaining dual citizenship in Colombia

How to get Colombian Citizenship By Parents
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Colombia, a vibrant and culturally diverse country in South America, offers individuals with Colombian heritage an opportunity to reclaim their ancestral ties and obtain Colombian citizenship by descent. 

This unique pathway allows eligible individuals to reconnect with their roots, enjoy the privileges of Colombian citizenship, and partake in this beautiful nation's rich history and traditions. In this blog post, we will explore the process of acquiring Colombian citizenship by descent through parents, guiding you through the requirements, application procedures, and benefits of this remarkable opportunity.

Understanding Colombian Citizenship by Descent

Colombia's nationality law provides a process for individuals to acquire Colombian citizenship if they can demonstrate direct lineage to Colombian parents. This means that if either of your parents is a Colombian citizen, you may be eligible for Colombian citizenship by descent.

Requirements for Colombian Citizenship by Descent

  1. Proof of Lineage: To initiate the process, you must gather all necessary documentation to establish your lineage to a Colombian parent. This includes your birth certificate, your parent's birth certificate (if applicable), and any other relevant documents. It is crucial to obtain certified copies of these documents, as they will be reviewed and verified during the application process.
  2. Parental Documentation: You will also need to provide evidence of your Colombian parent's citizenship. This can be accomplished through their Colombian passport, national identification card (Cédula de Ciudadanía), or Colombian birth certificate. If your parent is deceased, you will need to provide their death certificate. 
  3. If You’d Like Your Child To Obtain Citizenship: You should register the birth or your child at the Colombian consulate or embassy in your country of residence. This is a crucial step to establish your connection to the Colombian government and initiate the process of acquiring Colombian citizenship by descent. The consulate will guide you through the registration process and advise on any additional requirements for your case.

Application Process for Colombian Citizenship by Descent

  1. Application Submission: Once you have gathered all the required documents and completed the consular registration, you can submit your application for Colombian citizenship by descent. This involves completing an application form, providing all supporting documents, and paying the requisite fees. Ensuring that all information is accurately filled out and the required documentation is provided in the correct format is essential.
  2. Application Review and Approval: After your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the Colombian authorities responsible for citizenship matters. They will examine the documentation provided, verify the accuracy of the information, and assess your eligibility for Colombian citizenship. The processing time may vary, so it’s important to be patient throughout the process. 

"In our experience, we have seen Citizenship processes take as little as 2 months to as long as a year to complete. Since the government entity does not have a formal guideline in place to establish a timeline, it’s important to be patient and watch out for any communication from the Colombian government throughout your process."

Daniela Cordoba

Lead Attorney, Colombian Visa Services

Benefits of Colombian Citizenship

Acquiring Colombian citizenship by descent offers many benefits beyond the pride of reclaiming your heritage. Here are some advantages that come with obtaining Colombian citizenship:

Right to Reside and Work:

As a Colombian citizen, you have the right to reside and work in Colombia without any restrictions. This can be particularly advantageous for those seeking to explore professional opportunities, start a business, or simply immerse themselves in the Colombian way of life.

Access to Social Services:

Colombian citizens enjoy access to a comprehensive social welfare system, including healthcare, education, and social security benefits. This ensures that you and your family can avail yourselves of quality services when residing in Colombia.

Visa-Free Travel:

Holding Colombian citizenship grants you the freedom to travel to various countries without the need for a visa or with simplified visa procedures. This can facilitate your international mobility and make travel more convenient and accessible.

Dual Citizenship:

Colombia recognizes dual citizenship, allowing you to retain your original citizenship while also becoming a Colombian citizen. This can be particularly valuable for individuals who wish to maintain their connections to their home country while enjoying the privileges and benefits of Colombian citizenship.


Obtaining Colombian citizenship by descent offers a unique opportunity to obtain Colombian Dual Citizenship, embrace the vibrant Colombian culture, and enjoy the many benefits of being a Colombian citizen. By understanding the requirements, diligently gathering the necessary documentation, and following the application process, you can successfully acquire Colombian citizenship. 

While the journey to citizenship may require patients, it can be rewarding with lasting benefits. Whether you reside in Colombia or simply wish to take advantage of your eligibility, the Colombian citizenship process has very little downsides. 

Daniela Cordoba
Founder and Lead Attorney

Daniela Cordoba is a lawyer specializing in immigration and commercial law. Daniela Cordoba has helped individuals and businesses live and operate in Colombia for over a decade. She also has training in compliance with the respective accreditations to serve as Compliance Officer.

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