Is Colombia Safe in 2024? Top Insights and Travel Safety Tips

Learn about safety in Colombia and how Colombia's safety has improved over the years. In this blog we'll explain why Colombia is safer than ever.

Is Colombia Safe
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Are you planning a trip to Colombia and have started hearing travel horror stories and are starting to wonder, “is Colombia safe?” This comprehensive guide will delve into the various factors affecting travel safety in Colombia. From bustling major cities to serene coffee regions, we will provide top insights and practical tips to help you stay safe and enjoy your Colombian adventure.

Key Takeaways

  • Colombia has seen significant safety improvements since it’s notorious reputation of the 1980s and 90s, but caution is still advised.
  • Take necessary precautions to remain safe in urban areas and avoid non-essential travel to rural regions.
  • Be aware of visa requirements, natural disasters and climate risks when planning a trip to Colombia.

Understanding Colombia's Safety Landscape

Colombia has come a long way in recent years, with significant improvements in safety across the country. The peace accord with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) has reduced violence, and major cities have become safer for tourists. However, remaining aware and cautionary is necessary as certain risks, particularly in isolated or deserted areas, persist.

Major cities

Colombia’s major cities, such as Bogotá, Medellín, and Cartagena, are generally safe for tourists. Nevertheless, petty crime and scams targeting tourists can still occur. Exercising common sense and maintaining alertness, primarily upon arriving at transportation hubs like El Dorado International Airport in Bogotá, where criminals often target unsuspecting tourists, is advised. When it comes to safety in these cities, here are some tips:

  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Stick to well-lit, populated areas
  • Avoid displaying valuable items
  • Keep your belongings secure
  • Use reputable transportation services
  • Be cautious of strangers offering assistance or asking for personal information

Following these guidelines can go a long way in minimizing risks, so it’s important to exercise caution.

While crime rates vary across cities, it is important to remember that street crime remains a concern, especially in Bogotá and Medellín, where petty theft are common. Hence, staying updated with local news and taking the necessary precautions to evade falling prey to crime is advised.

Horror Stories: 

As you begin to plan your trip to Colombia, you may begin to hear horror stories of people having items stolen from them, muggings, and robbings.

When listening to these stories, we believe it is important to keep in mind these tips from our cofounder.

"The advice I give to foreigners is this if you come to Colombia looking for trouble, whether it be prostitution, drugs, or parties - you’re more likely to find trouble. If you listen closely to foreigner’s stories, you will notice that the robbing, drugging, and violence don’t occur at the grocery store.

Like in any popular tourist area, you will want to practice street smarts and leave your diamond necklace at home. Colombia’s cities feel as safe as most major cities in the world. 

If you decide to explore prostitution, drugs, and late-night escapades, you will likely experience the violence that comes with them just like anywhere else"

Author Photo

Mike Funkhouser

Cofounder, Colombian Visa Services

Staying Safe in Urban Areas

In urban areas, travelers should be cautious of petty crime, use reputable public transport options, and be aware of scammers targeting tourists. Keeping your belongings secure and maintaining vigilance can help reduce potential risks, allowing you to enjoy your time in Colombia’s vibrant cities.

Petty crime

Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and mugging, is common in urban areas, so travelers should stay vigilant and secure their belongings. While violent crime is less frequent, criminals may target both impoverished and more affluent parts of the country, with drive-by snatching by criminals on motorcycles being a common occurrence. To avoid falling prey to petty crime, act cautiously, avoid visiting isolated areas, especially after dark, and stay in crowded areas.

When using your mobile phone in public, avoid using it in the midst of the street. Instead, seek out a nearby shop or bank to use it. Following these safety tips and being mindful of your surroundings can help lower the risk of falling victim to petty crime in Colombia.

Public transport

Using licensed taxis or having hotels and restaurants book transportation is recommended for ensuring safety when using public transport in cities. Although ride-sharing apps like Uber are available in Colombia, new regulations have been implemented, allowing you to rent a car with a driver through the app.

When traveling in Colombia, be aware that unlicensed taxis can pose a risk of kidnappings and assaults. To reduce these risks, consider hiring a reputable, experienced tour guide when exploring unfamiliar areas. Utilizing reliable transportation options can allow you to navigate Colombia’s cities with confidence.

Scammers target tourists

Scammers often target tourists in Colombia, so be cautious of unsolicited offers and verify prices before making purchases. Some common scams targeting tourists in Colombia’s urban areas include:

  • Bill switching
  • Fake goods
  • Overcharging for services, food, and drink
  • Fake taxi drivers
  • Fake tour guides
  • Distraction theft
  • Counterfeit money
  • Posing as corrupt or fake police officers

To avoid falling prey to scams, maintain vigilance and take necessary precautions. For example, only use legitimate transportation services and avoid sharing taxis with strangers, if possible. Being aware of potential scams and taking appropriate measures can help reduce the risk of becoming an unsuspecting victim.

Safety Considerations in Rural and Remote Regions

In rural and remote regions, travelers should be aware of the presence of illegal armed groups, unexploded ordnance, and limited medical services. Using common sense and adhering to safety guidelines can help mitigate these risks, allowing you to enjoy Colombia’s breathtaking rural landscapes.

Illegal armed groups

Illegal armed groups still operate in some rural areas, posing a risk to travelers due to violent attacks and kidnappings. The major illegal armed groups active in rural Colombia include the ELN (National Liberation Army) and the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AGC).

Areas in Colombia that are still affected by conflict with illegal armed groups include the Colombia-Venezuela border area, particularly in Arauca state in Colombia and Apure state in Venezuela. Additionally, there are various regions of Colombia where illegal armed groups are involved in drug related criminal activity, such as drug trafficking, illegal mining, and extortion.

Keeping updated about the situation in these areas and avoiding non-essential travel can help lower risks.

Medical services

Medical services in rural areas may be limited, so travelers should carry a basic first aid kit and have travel insurance that covers medical evacuation. In the event of a medical emergency, it may be challenging to access adequate medical care in rural and remote regions.

Being prepared and carrying a basic first aid kit can help ensure your safety and well-being while exploring Colombia’s rural areas. Additionally, having travel insurance that covers medical evacuation can provide peace of mind in case of an emergency.

Police Presence 

Most foreigners will find a significant police presence in major cities, and you will find security guards throughout most major malls and shopping centers. 

Colombia's police force is connected to the Ministry of Defense and according to Interpol, there are more than 182,000 police offers in Colombia. That is more than Canada and a higher percentage than in the United States with 3.4 police officers per 1,000 people. 

With such a high police presence, crime is often committed in less trafficked areas, late at night, and discretely. 

Essential Safety Precautions for Travelers

Essential safety precautions for travelers include obtaining travel insurance, securing valuables, and avoiding involvement in local political activities.

Taking these necessary steps can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Colombia.

Travel insurance

Travel insurance is highly recommended for trips to Colombia, as it can cover medical expenses, theft, and other unexpected events. 

Obtaining travel insurance can protect you from potential financial hardships like medical treatment costs, hospital stays, and trip interruption expenses. It is essential to review the details of your travel insurance policy to ensure it meets your needs and covers potential risks during your journey.

Travel or Health Insurance is required for many Colombian Visas as well. 

Valuables security

Keep valuables secure and avoid displaying expensive items to reduce the risk of theft and mugging. When traveling in Colombia, it is essential to be cautious with your personal belongings and take measures to prevent theft.

In fact locals and tourists have a saying for not showing valuables, “no dar papaya” or “don’t give papaya” in English. This essentially means that you should not show off valuables or attract attention to your belongs. 

Anti-theft crossbody bags, anti-theft backpacks, and personal safety devices are recommended for travelers to secure their valuables and protect themselves from pickpockets. Keeping your items safe and out of sight can help reduce the risk of theft, allowing you to enjoy your time in Colombia without worry.

Health and Medical Concerns in Colombia

Health and medical concerns in Colombia include vaccinations, food and water safety, and accessing medical treatment. Taking the necessary precautions and staying informed about health risks can ensure a healthy and enjoyable trip to Colombia.


Ensure routine vaccinations are up to date and consider additional vaccinations for diseases like yellow fever and hepatitis A. It is recommended that travelers have their routine vaccinations, such as MMR, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, varicella, influenza, and others, up-to-date before traveling to Colombia.

Additionally, consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice on the necessary vaccinations for your trip to Colombia. Staying informed about vaccination requirements and getting vaccinated can protect you from potential health risks during your journey.

Food and water safety

Practice safe food and water precautions to avoid illnesses such as diarrhea and typhoid. It is essential to adhere to safe food and water practices to prevent illnesses such as diarrhea and typhoid. Some measures to ensure food and water safety include:

  • Drinking only bottled or purified water
  • Avoiding consuming ice cubes, raw or undercooked food, and street food
  • Washing hands frequently with soap and clean water, especially before eating.

Following these safety precautions and staying informed about food and water safety practices can help reduce the risk of illness, ensuring a healthy trip to Colombia.

Important Note: If you’re traveling to Medellin, the water is safe to drink from the faucet in most tourist areas. 

Medical treatment

Medical treatment in major cities is generally of good quality, but travelers should have insurance to cover potential expenses. Colombia has one of the highest-ranked healthcare systems in the Americas, boasting state-of-the-art hospitals renowned for their affordability and quality of care.

However, medical services in rural areas may be limited, and travelers should carry a basic first aid kit and have travel insurance that covers medical evacuation. Being prepared and staying informed about medical treatment options can help ensure your safety and well-being while exploring Colombia.

Solo and Female Traveler Safety

Just like in all countries, solo and female travelers should take extra precautions, such as staying in well-populated areas, being aware of surroundings, and reporting any incidents, including sexual assault, to local authorities.

Following these safety tips and staying informed about potential risks can help solo and female travelers enjoy a safe and memorable trip to Colombia.

Solo traveler tips

Solo travelers should stay in well-populated areas, learn basic Spanish phrases, and maintain situational awareness. Following these safety tips and staying informed about potential risks can help solo travelers ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Colombia.

Some well-populated and secure areas for solo travelers in Colombia include:

  • Bogota
  • Medellin
  • Cartagena
  • Santa Marta
  • Envigado

By staying in these areas and remaining vigilant, solo travelers can minimize potential risks and enjoy their time in Colombia.

Reporting incidents

If an incident occurs, report it to the local police station and the nearest embassy or consulate. In case of an emergency, dial “123” from any Colombian telephone to contact local authorities without delay.

To locate the nearest embassy or consulate in Colombia, visit the website of your country’s embassy in Bogotá or the respective consular agency in other cities. Staying informed about local resources and reporting any incidents can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Colombia.

Navigating Colombia's Borders and Entry Requirements

Navigating Colombia’s borders and entry requirements involves understanding visa requirements, safe border crossings, and avoiding high-risk regions. Staying informed and taking necessary precautions can ensure a smooth entry and exit process during your trip to Colombia.

Visa requirements

Tourists from more than 100 countries can enter Colombia without a visa for stays up to 90 days, but check the specific requirements for your nationality. If you need a visa it is recommended to apply for the visa 30-60 days before your arrival. 

You can learn more about visas in Colombia here. 

Border crossings

Use safe border crossings, such as Ipiales, and avoid high-risk areas like the Venezuela-Colombia border region. The primary border crossing point between Colombia and Ecuador is Rumichaca, while the most utilized crossing between Colombia and Venezuela is from Cucutà to San Antonio de Tachira.

It is important to stay informed about the situation at the various border crossings and plan your travel accordingly. Using safe border crossings and being aware of potential risks can ensure a smooth and secure entry into Colombia.

High-risk regions

Stay informed about high-risk regions in Colombia and avoid non-essential travel to these areas. The Arauca, Cauca (excluding Popayán), and Norte de Santander departments of Colombia are considered high-risk due to crime, terrorism, and civil unrest.

Staying informed about high-risk regions and avoiding non-essential travel can help minimize potential risks, ensuring a safe and memorable trip to Colombia.

Natural Disasters and Climate Risks

Natural disasters and climate risks in Colombia include hurricane season, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. Staying informed about these risks and taking necessary precautions can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Colombia.

Hurricane season

Hurricane season lasts from mid-May to the end of November, and travelers should monitor weather updates and be prepared for potential disruptions. During this period, it is estimated that 13 tropical storms may occur, with 6 potentially developing into hurricanes.

Staying informed about weather updates and taking necessary precautions during the hurricane season can help minimize the risk of disruption to your travel plans, ensuring a safe trip to Colombia.


Colombia is prone to earthquakes, so travelers should familiarize themselves with local emergency procedures and stay informed about any alerts. Being aware of potential risks and knowing what to do in the event of an earthquake can help you stay safe during your trip to Colombia.

Following local emergency procedures and staying informed about alerts can help minimize the risk of harm during your trip to Colombia.


In conclusion, while Colombia has made significant strides in improving safety, it is essential for travelers to stay informed and take necessary precautions just like with all travel. By following the insights and tips provided in this guide, you can ensure a safe and memorable journey to Colombia, experiencing the vibrant cities, breathtaking landscapes, and rich culture the country has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to travel solo in Colombia?

It is generally safe to travel solo in Colombia by following basic safety tips and staying informed of potential risks.

What precautions should I take to avoid petty crime in urban areas?

Be aware of your surroundings, keep your possessions secure, and stick to crowded areas when possible to reduce the risk of petty crime in urban areas.

What are the health risks associated with traveling to Colombia?

Travelers to Colombia should be aware of potential health risks, such as food and waterborne diseases, insect-borne diseases, and climate-related health issues. It is important to stay informed and take necessary precautions.

Daniela Cordoba
Founder and Lead Attorney

Daniela Cordoba is a lawyer specializing in immigration and commercial law. Daniela Cordoba has helped individuals and businesses live and operate in Colombia for over a decade. She also has training in compliance with the respective accreditations to serve as Compliance Officer.

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