Obtaining Colombia Residency: What You Need to Know

Learn more about Colombian Residency, including the requirements, timelines, and benefits. Everything you need to know about obtaining residency in Colombia.

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Have you ever dreamt of living in a country with a rich cultural heritage, vibrant cities, and breathtaking natural landscapes? Colombia is a hidden gem in Latin America, attracting an increasing number of expats and investors in recent years. With its booming economy and diverse opportunities, obtaining Colombia residency is an attractive prospect for many. But how can you navigate this process and make the dream of living in Colombia a reality? In this guide, we will explore the different residency options available, the requirements, and the steps to follow, setting you on the path toward Colombian residency and citizenship.

Short Summary

  • Migrant Visas provide temporary residence with the potential to qualify for permanent residency after 3-5 years.
  • Resident Visas are required if you eventually want to obtain Dual Citizenship.
  • Colombian Residency provides various benefits, including access to healthcare, education, and citizenship opportunities.
  • In order to obtain a resident visa, foreigners will first need to obtain a Migrant Visa and hold that for a number of years.

Understanding Colombian Residency Options

As of October of 2022, Colombia eliminated their "permanent residency" Visa in Colombia. However, you can still obtain a Resident Visa or a Migrant Visa.

Colombia offers two main categories of visas that allow you stay for more than 1 year in the country: Migrant Visas and Colombia Resident Visas.

Migrant Visas are temporary visas designed for those who wish to stay in Colombia for an extended period but do not intend to make it their permanent home. Typically 1-3 years at a time. On the other hand, Colombia Resident Visa is for those who have decided to make a long-term commitment to living in Colombia and obtaining permanent residency.

However, here is the catch - you can't obtain a Resident Visa without holding a Migrant visa for a number of years first.

Migrant Visas

Migrant Visas serve as a gateway for foreigners who wish to stay in Colombia. These visas are divided into categories such as:

  • Investment visas
  • Business Visas
  • Retirement visas
  • Marriage visas
  • Work Visas
  • Parent of a Colombian Visa

The duration of a Migrant Visa are typically granted for 1-3 years at a time. However, the time you need to hold the Migrant visa before you're eligible to obtain a Resident Visa varies.

For example, a marriage visas only require 3 years, while most other visas require 5 years.

Migrant Visas allow you to explore Colombia, experience its rich culture, and evaluate if the country is the right fit for you before making a long-term commitment.

The requirements for obtaining a Migrant Visa depend on the specific category you are applying for. For example, a business visa requires an investment of at least $25,000 - $29,000 USD depending on exchange rates.

Resident Visas

For those who have already decided to call Colombia home, the Resident Visa is the key to obtaining residence in the country. Resident Visas are divided into categories such as:

  • accumulated time
  • special resident for peace
  • citizenship renunciation
  • temporary protection status

Almost everyone is going to fall under the first category of "Accumulated time." Or in other words, you've held a migrant visa for 3-5 years.

The Resident Visa, is very similar to a Migrant visa, however instead of having to renew the visa every 1-3 years, you just have to renew it every 5 years. You can live and work in Colombia without restrictions, opening up a world of opportunities.

The process of obtaining a Resident Visa depends on the category you choose. You need to provide some evidence if you are applying for a visa based on the total period of stay in a country. This includes proof of your visa status and showing how long you have been there.

Requirements for Colombian Residency Visas

Colombian residency visas, otherwise known as Colombian Resident Visas, have specific requirements that you must meet. These requirements include a timeline for obtaining a Resident Visa, which typically requires five years on a Migrant Visa, and individual visa requirements based on the specific visa category you apply for.

Understanding these requirements is crucial to successfully obtaining your Colombian visa and enjoying your new life in this vibrant country.

Timeline To Obtain A Resident Visa

The timeline to obtain a Resident Visa in Colombia varies depending on the visa category, but generally requires three to five years on a Migrant Visa. This period allows you to experience life in Colombia and determine if it fits you right before committing. Keep in mind that as a Migrant Visa holder, you are only allowed to remain outside of Colombia for a maximum of six consecutive months.

Once you have spent the required time on a Migrant Visa, you may apply for permanent residency. This process can take some time, so it is essential to be patient and prepared. The permanent residency visa is valid for five years, after which it can be renewed.

Individual Visa Requirements

Individual visa requirements depend on the visa category you choose. For example, if you apply for an investment visa, you will need to provide proof of your investment and financial statements. Similarly, if you apply for a retirement visa, you will need to provide proof of income, such as pension or social security benefits, as well as a background check and proof of health insurance.

It is essential to gather all the necessary documentation and meet the specific requirements for your chosen visa category. This will help ensure a smooth application process and increase your chances of successfully obtaining your Colombian residency visa.

The Application Process for Colombian Resident Visas

The application process for Colombian Resident Visas can be done in various ways. You can choose to apply online, at a Colombian consulate, or through an immigration attorney. Each method has advantages, and selecting the right one for you will depend on your preferences and circumstances.

Online Application

Applying for a Colombian visa online is a convenient option, allowing you to submit your application and required documents from the comfort of your own home. To complete the online application process, you will need to provide personal and foreign registration information and any additional documentation required for your specific visa category.

Once your application is successfully submitted, you will need to pay the application fee.

Colombian Consulates

Colombian consulates worldwide can assist you with the Colombian visa application process. These offices can provide guidance on the specific requirements for your chosen visa category and help you gather the necessary documentation.

Applying through a Colombian consulate can be an excellent option if you prefer in-person assistance or if you are already residing in a foreign country.

Using an Immigration Attorney

Using an immigration attorney can help streamline the application process and avoid potential issues. Immigration attorneys offer the following benefits:

  • Experience processing numerous visas
  • Well-versed in the requirements for each type of visa
  • Guidance and assistance with gathering required documents
  • Support throughout the application process

In addition to their expertise, immigration attorneys or visa agencies like Colombian Visa services your chances of getting your visa approved are much higher.

Obtaining a Cédula de Extranjería

Once you have obtained your Colombian visa, the next step is to acquire a Cédula De Extranjería, a Colombian identification card. This card is required for various purposes, such as opening a bank account or signing a rental contract.

To obtain your Cédula De Extranjería, you must complete a few additional steps, including a blood type test, online registration, and appointment scheduling.

Blood Type Test

A blood type test is required for the Certificate of Extranjera application. This test can be done at a local laboratory in Colombia.

Once you have the test results, you will need to submit them as part of your Certificate of Extranjera application.

Online Registration

To register for your Certificate of Extranjera, you will need to complete an online registration process, providing personal and foreigner registration information. This process is relatively straightforward and can be done from anywhere with internet access.

Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the registration page.

Appointment Scheduling

Finally, you will need to schedule an appointment at one of the Migración Colombia offices. This appointment can be arranged via their online portal.

During the appointment, you will submit the required documents for your Certificate of Extranjera, and upon approval, you will receive your identification card.

Path to Colombian Citizenship

Obtaining Colombian citizenship is the culmination of your journey towards establishing a life in Colombia. The path to Colombian citizenship involves a timeframe and eligibility requirements, allows for dual citizenship, and requires a citizenship test.

By achieving citizenship, you will enjoy all the rights and privileges of a Colombian citizen, just like any other Colombian national.

Timeframe and Eligibility

In order to acquire Colombian citizenship, you must possess a resident visa for a minimum of three to five years in Colombia. This means that the overall timeline for obtaining citizenship is typically six to ten years.

Additionally, your eligibility for citizenship will depend on the specific visa category you have held during your time in Colombia.

Dual Citizenship

Colombia allows dual citizenship, enabling you to maintain your original citizenship while obtaining Colombian citizenship. This means you can continue to enjoy the benefits and rights of your original nationality while embracing your new life in Colombia.

You can access the same rights and privileges as Colombian citizens, such as the right to vote.

Citizenship Test

The citizenship test in Colombia assesses your knowledge of:

  • Colombian history
  • geography
  • constitution
  • Spanish language proficiency

This test ensures that you have a solid understanding of Colombian culture and are prepared to integrate into Colombian society fully.

However, certain individuals, such as those with a bachelor’s degree from a Colombian university or those above the age of 65, may be exempt from these tests.

Tax Implications of Colombian Residency

Understanding the tax implications of Colombian residency is essential for managing your finances effectively. As a tax resident in Colombia, you will be liable to taxation on your worldwide income. The income tax rates in Colombia are progressive, with a maximum rate of 39%. Knowing these tax rates and planning your finances accordingly can help you minimize your tax liability and make the most of your financial resources.

However, some countries have tax relationships with Colombia preventing double taxation. While you will need to file taxes in Colombia, you may only pay taxes in your home country.

On the other hand, non-residents are only liable for taxation on income derived directly or indirectly from Colombia. The income tax rate applicable to non-residents is a flat rate of 35%. Understanding your tax status and obligations in Colombia is crucial, as this will impact your overall financial planning and decision-making.

Benefits of Colombian Residency

Obtaining Colombian residency has numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your quality of life. As a Colombian resident, you can live in the country year-round, own property, and access employment opportunities. Additionally, you can enjoy the diverse cultural experiences and stunning natural beauty that Colombia has to offer.

Moreover, obtaining Colombian residency serves as a pathway to permanent residency and citizenship, allowing you to fully integrate into Colombian society and enjoy all the rights and privileges that come with being a Colombian national. From healthcare and education to the ability to travel to the Schengen zone without a visa, Colombian residency offers many opportunities for personal and professional growth.


In conclusion, obtaining residency in Colombia is a rewarding journey that can open up a world of opportunities for personal and professional growth. From the diverse visa options available to the requirements and application process, this guide has provided you with the information necessary to navigate the path toward Colombian residency and citizenship. By understanding the various aspects of obtaining residency, such as tax implications and benefits, you can make informed decisions about your future in Colombia.

Whether you are seeking a temporary stay or looking to make Colombia your permanent home, the vibrant culture, breathtaking landscapes, and booming economy make it an attractive destination for expats and investors alike. Don’t miss out on the chance to explore all Colombia offers – start your journey towards Colombian residency today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get residency in Colombia?

Applying for a migrant visa is the first step to obtaining long-term residency in Colombia, with the ability to apply for a resident visa after three to five years.

Once a resident visa is obtained and held for 3-5 years, the individual can begin the process of applying for dual citizenship.

How hard is it to get residency in Colombia?

Obtaining residency in Colombia can be quite affordable compared to other countries. A pension visa requires a monthly income of less than $1000 USD from social security or a pension. Investment Visas can be less than $30,000 USD USD.

However, the process is worth it in the end, as Colombia offers a great quality of life and a low cost of living. The country is also known for its friendly people and vibrant culture.

Can a US citizen live in Colombia?

US citizens can stay in Colombia for up to 180 days without a Colombian visa, with the option to extend by 90 days.

To live there as a full-time resident, one must apply for a Migrant Visa (M).

How long can a US citizen live in Colombia?

A US citizen can stay in Colombia for up to 180 days within one calendar year without a visa, although an extension of 90 days may be possible.

For stays longer than this, the appropriate visa must be obtained.

Daniela Cordoba
Founder and Lead Attorney

Daniela Cordoba is a lawyer specializing in immigration and commercial law. Daniela Cordoba has helped individuals and businesses live and operate in Colombia for over a decade. She also has training in compliance with the respective accreditations to serve as Compliance Officer.

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