Understanding the Consequences: What Happens If You Overstay Your Visa in Colombia

Learn more about what happens if you overstay your passport stamp or visa in Colombia, potential fines, and how to avoid consequences.

What Happens If You Overstay Your Visa in Colombia
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In this blog post, we dive into what happens if you overstay your visa in Colombia and the steps you can take to avoid complications. From immediate repercussions to long-term consequences, we help navigate the often-complex Colombian immigration system.

Key Takeaways

  • Immediate repercussions of overstaying a tourist visa in Colombia include fines. 
  • Long-term consequences may lead to re-entry bans for up to five years and potential criminal repercussions, so regularizing one’s status is essential.
  • Seeking assistance from a visa agency or immigration attorney can help navigate the Colombian Immigration System successfully.

Immediate Repercussions of Overstaying Your Tourist Visa

Ignoring the terms of your tourist visa in Colombia may lead to immediate penalties such as fines and encounters with immigration officials. Though arrests are uncommon except for illegal work or criminal activities, awareness of these consequences can help evade unexpected difficulties during your Colombian stay.

Calculating Your Overstay Fine

Migración Colombia determines overstay fines based on the severity of the infraction and the number of days overstayed. The range of fines can be quite broad, with penalties ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands. 

Regularizing your legal status can help you sidestep these fines and possible legal sanctions, as well as other legal sanctions that may arise.

Paying Overstay Fines

Typically when you go through immigration at the airport you will be given the opportunity to pay your fine, or provide your information to pay your fine at a later date. You will not be held at the airport, arrested, or led to a backroom. 

You can also go the Migration office in any major city in Colombia and ask to pay your fine as well. 

Legal Implications and Sanctions for Prolonged Overstay

Overstaying your visa for more than 180 days can result in severe consequences, like deportation and long-term effects such as being barred from re-entering Colombia for a certain period. Avoiding extended overstays is necessary to evade these legal implications and penalties.

Navigating the Colombian immigration system can be challenging, but by seeking assistance from a visa agency, properly preparing necessary documentation, and understanding your eligibility for different visas, you can simplify the process and avoid further complications.

Deportation Resolution Timeline

The deportation resolution timeline varies depending on the severity of the infraction and the individual’s cooperation with immigration authorities. The deportation procedure in Colombia may take up to three years to finish. 

Maintaining a positive relationship with immigration authorities and complying with their instructions can help minimize the duration of the deportation resolution process, reducing the impact on your life and future travel plans.

Long-term Consequences: Prohibition to Re-enter Colombia

One of the long-term consequences of overstaying your visa in Colombia is the prohibition to re-enter the country. The duration of this re-entry ban depends on the length of time you have overstayed your visa. 

Colombia’s immigration system employs a variety of measures to track and enforce re-entry bans, such as utilizing biometric data, passport control, and collaborating with international databases. To avoid these long-term consequences, it is essential to adhere to visa regulations and maintain a positive immigration record by staying informed through the migration office.

Regularization of Status: Avoiding Complications

Regularizing your status in Colombia is a crucial step in avoiding complications associated with overstaying your visa. Applying for a visa extension or obtaining a temporary permit (Salvoconducto) can help you resolve your immigration status and prevent further issues.

By following the appropriate steps to apply for tourist visa extensions, such as submitting the required documents and paying the relevant fees, you can increase your chances of having a successful visa extension application and avoid the immediate repercussions of overstaying your tourist visa.

Obtaining a Temporary Permit (Salvoconducto)

A Salvoconducto is a document issued by the Colombian Migration Special Administrative Unit. It is used to allow foreigners to depart or stay temporarily in Colombia while they wait on a visa decision. To obtain a Salvoconducto, you must submit the required documents to Migración Colombia, pay the relevant fees, and await the authorization of the permit.

Acquiring a Salvoconducto allows for a temporary stay in Colombia while taking the necessary steps to resolve your immigration status. This can be a helpful option for those who have overstayed their visa and need additional time to regularize their status in the country.


In conclusion, understanding the consequences of overstaying your visa in Colombia is crucial for avoiding complications and maintaining a positive immigration record. By navigating the Colombian immigration system, seeking assistance from a visa agency, and preparing the necessary documentation, you can regularize your status and continue to enjoy the wonders of Colombia.

Remember, adhering to visa regulations and maintaining a positive relationship with immigration authorities is essential for a smooth and enjoyable experience in Colombia. Keep these tips in mind as you embark on your Colombian adventure and make the most of your time in this vibrant and diverse country.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the immediate consequences of overstaying a tourist visa in Colombia?

Immediate consequences of overstaying a tourist visa in Colombia include incurring fines ranging from hundreds of dollars to thousands, though arrests are rare unless engaging in activities such as working unlawfully or committing offenses.

How are overstay fines calculated in Colombia?

In Colombia, overstay fines are calculated based on the number of days overstayed, ranging a few hundred dollars to thousands.

What is a Salvoconducto and how can I obtain one?

A Salvoconducto is a document issued by the Colombian Migration Special Administrative Unit that allows foreigners to depart from the country, or stay in Colombia while a visa process is carried out. To obtain it, submit the necessary documents to Migración Colombia and pay the relevant fees.

What visa options are available in Colombia for those who have overstayed a their passport stamp?

Individuals who have overstayed their tourist visa in Colombia can apply for a Visitor Visa (Type V) or a Migrant Visa (Type M).

Daniela Cordoba
Founder and Lead Attorney

Daniela Cordoba is a lawyer specializing in immigration and commercial law. Daniela Cordoba has helped individuals and businesses live and operate in Colombia for over a decade. She also has training in compliance with the respective accreditations to serve as Compliance Officer.

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