Moving to Colombia from USA: Your Complete Guide

Learn more about moving to Colombia, the costs associated, how to get a visa, and everything you need to make immigrating to Colombia as stress free as possible

Moving To Colombia From The US
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Picture this: a new life in a beautiful, culturally rich country with a low cost of living and a diverse landscape for you to explore. Colombia, located in South America, offers just that and more. If you’re considering a move to Colombia from the US, this complete guide will walk you through everything you need to know about the “move to Colombia from the US” process, including visa options, cost of living, employment, healthcare, education, adapting to Colombian culture, and managing finances.

Short Summary

  • US citizens relocating to Colombia have various visa options available, including marriage, real estate investment, and business visas.
  • The cost of living in Colombia is significantly lower than the USA, with affordable housing and transportation costs. Expats can also find employment opportunities as well as access high-quality healthcare services.
  • Navigating Colombian culture involves learning the language, understanding social customs, and taking necessary safety precautions.

Visa Options for US Citizens

Navigating the Colombian visa system is essential for those planning to relocate. There are various visa options available for US citizens moving to Colombia, including marriage, real estate, business, and digital nomad visas.

Let’s dive deeper into each of these options and understand their specific requirements and benefits.


Marrying a Colombian national is one way to secure a Colombian visa. You must provide several items to get a Colombian visa as a married couple. These include a valid passport, certified copies of both partners’ birth certificates, and proof that you are allowed to marry. All these documents need to be translated into Spanish and legalized with an apostille.

The M-category marriage visa gives the opportunity to become a permanent resident in Colombia after three years. Additionally, you can obtain Colombian citizenship after an additional three years.

It is advised to contact a notary in Colombia or your local Colombian embassy to discuss the necessary documents and other procedures for obtaining a visa through marriage to a Colombian national. However, we can also assist you with this process at Colombian Visa Services.

Real Estate

Investing in real estate can grant you access to a Colombian visa. To purchase property in Colombia as a non-national, you’ll need a valid passport and sufficient funds. The cost of property varies depending on location, but many expats find it quite affordable compared to other countries.

When purchasing property, you’ll need to pay taxes and fees. Investing in real estate may make your family eligible for a beneficiary visa.


Another way to obtain a Colombian visa is by starting or investing in a business. The investment visa, also known as a business visa in Colombia, is designed for foreign workers with technical and intellectual qualifications and vocational experience. These workers have the potential to contribute to economic development, scientific and technological advancements, and cultural and educational enrichment.

To start a business, you’ll need to follow the guidelines provided by the Colombian immigration authorities. The validity period of work permits in Colombia is from the commencement to the termination of the employment contract.

Digital Nomad

For US citizens who work remotely, digital nomad visas are available in countries like Georgia, Norway, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, the Czech Republic, Croatia, and others. A digital nomad visa permits US citizens to work remotely in a foreign nation, usually requiring applicants to demonstrate that they have a consistent income and can sustain themselves while residing overseas.

Colombia has a Digital Nomad Visa which requires less than $1,000 USD per month in income to be eligible. This temporary visa option may still be relevant to those looking for a way to live and work in the country, especially when considering staying long term.

Cost of Living in Colombia

One of the main attractions of moving to Colombia is the lower cost of living compared to the USA. Bogotá’s cost of living is a great bargain compared to large cities in the United States.Utilities, transportation, dining out, entertainment, and healthcare are generally less much less expensive in Colombia.

By living in Colombia, you’ll be able to enjoy a high-quality lifestyle at an affordable cost, making it an attractive destination for expats.


Regarding housing in Colombia, rent prices are on average 80% lower than in the U.S. However, it’s common for landlords or agencies to request a guarantor (fiador) in lieu of a deposit. You can search online platforms like Airbnb, classified ads, and newspaper real estate listings to find housing. However, it is best to know someone in Colombia who can speak Spanish and potentially be a co-signer for you.

It may be helpful to have a predetermined neighborhood and budget before starting your search and to bring along someone who can translate if you don’t speak Spanish.


In Colombia, numerous transportation options exist, such as public buses, taxis, and car ownership. City buses typically cost $0.75 - $1 (2,000 - 3,200 COP), while city taxis have an average cost of $2.30 - $6 (7,000 - 19,000 COP). Bus tickets for longer distances can range from $20 - $30 USD.


The cost of food in Colombia can vary, but on average, it is approximately CO$46,115 per day. Colombian cuisine is renowned for its delicacies. Arepas, sancocho, and bandeja paisa are some of the most popular dishes. Additionally, buuelos and mango biche are regularly enjoyed as street foods.

Colombia is renowned for its world-famous coffee. It is a popular destination for coffee lovers, and the country produces some of the best coffee in the world.


Healthcare in Colombia has been held to an excellent standard. It is also surprisingly affordable. Expatriates typically incur a monthly expense of between $70 and $85 for EPS public insurance. Private health insurance premiums can range from fifty to one hundred US dollars per month.

In general, healthcare in Colombia is deemed to be economical.

Navigating Colombian Healthcare

Colombia offers world-class healthcare services for its residents, including expats. In this section, we’ll explore the public and private healthcare systems, as well as health insurance options for expats living in Colombia.

Public healthcare in Colombia is provided by the government and is free for all citizens. It is.

Public Healthcare System

Colombia’s public healthcare system, known as EPS (Entidad Promotora de Salud), is funded by the government and provides medical, dental, and vision care to all citizens and legal residents. Expats with pre-existing conditions are eligible for the Colombian public health insurance system.

Public healthcare costs are determined according to one’s income (12.5% of 40% of one’s monthly gross declared income).

Private Healthcare

In addition to public healthcare, private healthcare is available in Colombia, though it is typically more expensive than public healthcare (However, nowhere near as expensive as the United States). Private healthcare establishments constitute the majority of hospitals and clinics in larger cities, offering a higher standard of care and shorter waiting times.

Private health insurance premiums can range from fifty to one hundred US dollars monthly.

Health Insurance

Expats in Colombia can choose between local and international health insurance plans. The Entidades Promotoras de Salud (EPS) system is available for most foreigners, providing basic coverage, including medical, dental, and vision care.

The ‘medicina prepagada’ system is a private health insurance option that necessitates additional payment and provides improved services compared to those of the EPS. It is essential to compare fees, coverage, and exclusions when selecting a health insurance plan.

Education Options for Expats' Children

If you’re moving to Colombia with your family, it’s important to consider the education options available for your children. In this section, we’ll explore local Colombian schools, private schools, and international schools to help you make the best choice for your family.

Local Colombian schools offer a variety of educational options, from public schools to private schools. They are.

Local Colombian Schools

Enrolling your children in local Colombian schools can provide them with a comprehensive experience of the local culture and language. However, the primary difficulty encountered when enrolling expat children in local schools is the language barrier, as many local schools do not provide English-language instruction.

It’s important to weigh the benefits and challenges of enrolling expat children in local schools before making a decision.

Private Schools

Private schools in Colombia, including private and international schools, provide the benefit of reduced class sizes, specialized curricula, and bilingual education. Some of the private schools located in Colombia include Colegio Helvetia, Knightsbridge Schools International Bogota, The English School, Colegio Anglo Colombiano, and Colegio Gran.

These schools offer a variety of educational opportunities for students, including a range of academic programs.

International Schools

International schools in Colombia offer a variety of curricula, including the International Baccalaureate (IB), the American curriculum, and the British curriculum. These schools are accredited by the Colombian Ministry of Education, the International Baccalaureate Organization, and other international accreditation bodies.

Tuition fees for international schools in Colombia generally range from $5,000 to $20,000 per annum.

Adapting to Colombian Culture and Lifestyle

Adapting to Colombian culture and lifestyle is an essential part of making a successful move to this South American country, which is a part of Latin America. In this section, we’ll discuss language learning, social customs, and safety concerns to help you acclimate to your new environment.

Language learning is an important part of adapting to a new culture. Colombia has two official languages.

Language Learning

Learning Spanish is crucial in Colombia, as English is not widely spoken by Colombians. There are numerous resources accessible for language learning in Colombia, including online courses, language schools, and private tutors.

Additionally, many international schools provide bilingual education, making it easier for English-speaking expats to adapt to the local language.

Social Customs

Colombians highly value politeness, good manners, and courtesy. Some social customs in Colombia include a looser concept of punctuality, waiting to be seated by the host, keeping hands visible when eating, avoiding resting elbows on the table, and using frequent hand gestures.

Football is a passion and source of pride in Colombia, and it is customary to watch matches with family and friends.

Opening a Bank Account and Managing Finances

Managing your finances is an important aspect of living in Colombia. In this section, we’ll cover the process of opening a bank account in Colombia, managing finances, and transferring money internationally.

Opening a bank account in Colombia is relatively straightforward. You will need to provide proof of identity.

Bank Account Requirements

To open a bank account in Colombia, you’ll need a passport and cedula de extraneria to verify your legal residency status.

You must visit the bank branch in person to submit the necessary documents. Additionally, it should be noted that most banks will prohibit foreign transactions for 6 months after opening the bank account.

Money Transfers

Transferring money between your home country and Colombia can be done through banks, money transfer services, and online payment services. The fees and exchange rates fluctuate depending on the method selected to transfer money. Banks generally have higher fees and lower exchange rates, while money transfer and online payment services commonly have lower fees and higher exchange rates.

It is important to research the different options available to you before deciding which method to use.

Financial Management

Financial management options in Colombia include consulting with a local financial advisor, utilizing wealth management services, and exploring financing options through institutions such as commercial banks. Consulting with a local financial advisor can help you comprehend the local financial environment, recognize investment possibilities, and construct a financial plan tailored to your requirements.

These services can provide you with the knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about your finances.

Best Places to Live in Colombia

Colombia, located in South America, is a diverse and beautiful country with various cities and regions that appeal to expats. The most popular locations for expats in Colombia are Bogotá, Medelln, Cali, Barranquilla, Santa Marta, and the Caribbean coast. Each city offers unique attractions, job opportunities, and lifestyle options for expats looking to make Colombia their new home.

Bogotá, one of the major cities in South America, is the capital of Colombia and the largest city in the country.


In conclusion, Colombia offers many opportunities for expats looking for a new life in a culturally rich country with a lower cost of living. By understanding the various visa options, cost of living, job opportunities, healthcare, education, and adapting to Colombian culture, you can smoothly transition to living in this beautiful South American country. With the right preparation and information, you’ll soon be ready to embrace your new life in Colombia.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a US citizen move to Colombia?

Yes, US citizens can move to Colombia with the appropriate visas. After living in Colombia for five years, US citizens may be eligible to apply for a resident visa or even obtain Colombian citizenship.

What does a US citizen need to live in Colombia?

To live in Colombia, a US citizen must apply for a visa either online or at any Colombian consulate located in their home country. The visas are issued electronically.

Is it a good idea to move to Colombia?

According to many expats, Colombia is a great country to move to, with significant savings compared to the US and only a few things being more expensive.

For example, the cost of living is much lower than in the US, and the quality of life is generally higher. Healthcare is also much more affordable, and the country has a vibrant culture and a rich history.

How much money do I need to move to Colombia?

To live comfortably in Colombia, one needs a minimum of $1,000-$2,000 USD per month. In smaller cities, the cost of living can be even lower.

What are the visa options for US citizens moving to Colombia?

US citizens wishing to move to Colombia can take advantage of a range of visa options, including marriage, real estate, business, and digital nomad visas.

Each visa option has its own set of requirements and benefits, so it is important to research the options carefully before making a decision.

For those looking to move to Colombia for business purposes, a business visa is the best option.

Daniela Cordoba
Founder and Lead Attorney

Daniela Cordoba is a lawyer specializing in immigration and commercial law. Daniela Cordoba has helped individuals and businesses live and operate in Colombia for over a decade. She also has training in compliance with the respective accreditations to serve as Compliance Officer.

Over 1,000 Visas Accepted

For the past decade we have been helping travelers secure visas to Colombia.

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You don't have to worry about having to translate emails or communication, our team is fluent in English and can help you with whatever you need.

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