Maximizing Your Stay: How Long Can an American Stay in Colombia?

Learn how to long you can stay in Colombia as a US Citizen and explore visa options if you'd like to stay even longer.

How Long Can an American Stay in Colombia
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How long can you immerse yourself in Colombia as a US Citizen? Do Americans need a Visa to stay in Colombia? We’ve got you covered with this comprehensive guide on how long you can stay in Colombia as an American. 

Key Takeaways

  • American citizens can enter Colombia without a visa and stay for up to 90 days, with the option to renew your passport stamp for up to 180 days per calendar year. 
  • Various types of visas are available for longer stays in Colombia, including work, marriage, student and retirement visas.
  • Overstaying your time in Colombia can result in significant fines and penalties. 

Colombian Visa-Free Entry for Americans

Good news! American citizens can enjoy the perks of Colombian visa-free entry for tourism purposes. This means you can enter Colombia without obtaining a tourist visa, making it easier for you to plan your trip and explore the country. With approximately one hundred countries excluded from Colombian visitor visa requirements, American tourists can take advantage of this privilege.

90-Day Stay for Tourists

Upon arrival in Colombia, immigration will provide you with a tourist stamp that permits you to stay without a visa for up to 90 days. This provides ample time for you to soak in the country’s diverse culture, landscapes, and cities. However, if you plan to work or live in Colombia, you may need to apply for a Migrant (M) visa.

To enter Colombia you will need proof of departure from the country (typically a returning flight) and a Check-Mig form. 

Extension Possibilities

What if you want to stay longer than 90 days in Colombia? Great news, you are able to apply for a passport stamp extension of an additional 90 days.  Keep in mind, though, that the maximum duration of stay for a foreigner in Colombia as a tourist is 180 days in a calendar year.

If you wish to stay in Colombia beyond the initial 90-day period, you could either leave the country and come back, or apply for tourist visa extensions through an online form. For renewal, you’d need to present your passport, a photocopy of the passport page with your details, and a copy of your most recent Colombian tourist visa stamp.

Overstaying your visa in Colombia can lead to severe consequences, including financial penalties, deportation, and a ban from re-entering the country for a specified duration. To avoid these repercussions, it’s wise to plan your trip accordingly and ensure you stay within the allowed duration.

Types of Colombian Visas for Longer Stays

If you plan to stay in Colombia for a longer time, you have various Colombian visa options such as:

Each visa type, including the migrant visa, has its unique requirements and application processes, so you should study the visa type that aligns best with your needs.

The upcoming subsections will offer a concise overview of each visa type, including visitor visas, along with their necessary requirements.

Travel Tips and Safety Precautions

Safety is of paramount importance while traveling abroad, including Colombia. For a secure and enjoyable journey, consider these safety measures:

  • Choose accommodations with round-the-clock security
  • Avoid flaunting possessions in public
  • Use taxis during the night and taxi apps for added safety
  • Learn basic Spanish for effective communication
  • Keep an eye on the local security situation, stay updated, be alert, and adhere to fundamental safety norms like protecting personal belongings.

When planning a trip to remote areas in Colombia, it’s crucial to do your research beforehand and make sure you have a trusted contact nearby. It is important to stay up to date on advice from local authorities. Before planning any stage of your journey, make sure to check for the latest information available. So, if you’re looking forward to an unforgettable experience, don’t hesitate to visit Colombia.

Legal Consequences of Overstaying

Exceeding your visa stay in Colombia might result in severe legal repercussions. Migración Colombia could levy fines ranging from half to seven times the legal monthly minimum wages, equivalent to about $115 to $1590 USD. Overstaying could also lead to deportation and a provisional prohibition on re-entry into the country.

To avoid these repercussions, ensure you stay within the allowed duration of your visa. If you overstay for less than six months, it’s possible to pay a fine, exit the country, and re-enter Colombia on a new visa. Being mindful of your visa duration and planning your trip accordingly can save you from potential legal issues.


In conclusion, Colombia offers a plethora of experiences and opportunities for American travelers, from short-term tourist visits to long-term stays for work, study, or retirement. By understanding the visa requirements, navigating Colombian immigration offices, following travel tips and safety precautions, and utilizing available resources, you can ensure a remarkable and hassle-free experience in this enchanting South American country.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I stay in Colombia as a US citizen?

As a US citizen, you can enter Colombia without a visa and receive a 90-day stamp upon arrival. You may request an extension of up to 90 additional days from the Colombian immigration authority (Migración Colombia) before your initial 90-day stay expires.

How to stay in Colombia for 6 months?

U.S. citizens can enter Colombia without a visa and receive a 90-day stamp upon arrival. To stay for 6 months, visitors must apply for a 90-day extension before their initial stamp expires, allowing up to 180 days of stay per calendar year.

What happens if I stay more than 90 days in Colombia?

If you overstay your visa in Colombia for less than 6 months, you can pay the fine and be allowed to re-enter in the same year, however if you remain longer than the allowed period you will face a fine and may not be able to leave until the fine is paid.

Can American tourists enter Colombia without a visa?

Yes, American tourists can enter Colombia without a visa and stay for up to 90 days for tourism purposes.

How can I extend my stay in Colombia as a tourist?

To extend your stay in Colombia as a tourist, you can leave the country for a short period or renew your tourist visa at a Migración Colombia office.

Daniela Cordoba
Founder and Lead Attorney

Daniela Cordoba is a lawyer specializing in immigration and commercial law. Daniela Cordoba has helped individuals and businesses live and operate in Colombia for over a decade. She also has training in compliance with the respective accreditations to serve as Compliance Officer.

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